Privacy Policy / GDPR information

Our website is hosted by WordPress, you can see their privacy policy here.

As ‘Data Controller’ we need to ensure it is clear how your personal data will be used. We only collect personal data when you choose to interact with us, and only keep the minimal data required.

When you contact us by email: Name, email address, additional data we don’t request but you willingly add to your email (eg biographies, phone numbers etc)

When you contact us via the website: Name, email address, additional data we don’t request but you willingly add to your email (eg biographies, phone numbers etc)

When you make a payment (See PayPal section below): Name, email address

When you contact us via social media: Name, profile, additional data we don’t request but you willingly add (eg email address, biographies, phone numbers etc)


  • Entry to the competition is considered as consent to hold your personal information (name, social media profiles and email address).
  • If not a winner we will only contact you to acknowledge receipt of your story(s), to discuss your entry (eg incorrect fortmat, payment issues etc) and to answer any queries you may have.
  • Unless a winner / runner up, you will only receive information from us via our social media pages as a follower or from groups we are both members of.

If you are one of our winners or runner-ups:

  • We will not pass your information to a third party except in publishing / promoting the winner/s names and stories on our social media pages and website.
  • Your name and story may be published and remain on our social media pages and website.
  • We will retain your contact details for future correspondence.

Adverts (WordAds)

Our website places ads via WordAds. WordAds shares some information about our site’s visitors with our advertising partners. The advertising partners may use that information to display personalized ads to those visitors.

The information they share includes online identifiers; internet or other network or device activity, and geolocation data, but never a name or contact information.

The sharing of this information with our advertising partners may be considered a “sale” of information under the US Privacy Laws. Some states require an opt-out or that only generic ads to be used. WordPress, on our behalf provide only generic advertising to those relevant areas.


We use PayPal to receive payments. You can review PayPal’s privacy policy here.

How cookies are used

WordPress (who host our website) use cookies for a number of different purposes. Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons; some enable a personalized experience for both visitors and registered users; and some allow the display of advertising from selected third party networks. Some of these cookies may be set when a page is loaded, or when a visitor takes a particular action (clicking the “like” or “follow” button on a post, for example).

Many of the cookies used are only set if you are a registered user (so you don’t have to log in every time, for example), while others are set whenever you visit the websites, irrespective of whether you have an account. The WordPress FULL Cookie Policy can be seen here.