Headline Illustrations

This section is directly connected to the both the story title and plot twists in very crucial way. As an author you may not have much say in the illustration to your work, but if you have any input or you’re an editor or publisher, please give the headline illustrations the consideration they deserve.

An illustration can help in many of the same ways as a good title in flash fiction, for example in misdirecting the reader from the twist, giving context to the story or at the very least, not giving anything of the twist away (if there is one).

Example 1

An example of a good headline illustration, which works very well can be seen in my story published in Thedrabble.wordpress.com in October 2022:

The illustration immediately puts religion at the forefront, which is relevant but also hiding the twist that the main character hasn’t been so virtuous after all. A poor illustration may have shown a pregnant bride.

Example 2

Fortunately in the following story published by Fiveminutelit.com in 2021, the editor asked my opinion before publication.

The publisher asked me to agree to the use of scrabble tiles to spell the title. The whole reveal / twist in this story was that it was a scrabble game rather than a broken relationship. A well-crafted story could have been totally let down by a reveal in the headline illustration.

Example 3

The following was published online and in print in 2022/23 by Blackharepress.com

Although I respect the publisher greatly and still submit work to them, this example was very frustrating. The twist as you will have realised is that the main character, a male, cuts into his own leg rather than cutting into his dead wife. The illustration that headlines the story clearly shows a hairy leg (lost likely a man) with a cut on it!

As flash fiction authors we are often under paid, with the maximum reimbursement being around 0.5 pence per word, which means for the hours of creating a 100 word masterpiece one would earn a shiny 50 pence piece, maybe a free copy of the publication and rarely maybe more if winning a competition. We don’t do it for monetary reward, but for the craft itself, the glory, seeing your creation in print, and maybe like me – seeing your office walls fill with your published work.

It is therefore a real draw for me to enter my work into publishers who create bespoke artwork to go alongside my written words, it’s as good as a payment. The following two bespoke pieces were produced for a flash non-fiction travel anthology by Navigator Paper in 2016 and 2017 respectively. The first picture is me in front of the Rock of Gibraltar, after cycling 1,701 miles from the UK (Lucozade and Petroleum Jelly). The second being me kayaking past an oil tanker whilst travelling the River Thames, from its source to the North Sea (Up Ship Creek with a Paddle).

To conclude, if you have an input into the artwork to be used, especially if you are a publisher or self-publishing, please give the illustrations the same attention as the title, and maybe, even help other struggling artists by employing or promoting them using their bespoke illustrations.

You can also check my choice of illustration on our ‘Winning Stories’ page.